Ajatu-l-Kursii آية الكرسي Thronvers
بِس۟مِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّح۟مَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ . اللَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ ۚ لَا تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلَا نَوْمٌ ۚ لَّهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ ۗ مَن ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِندَهُ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِهِ ۚ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ ۖ وَلَا يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِّنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلَّا بِمَا شَاءَ ۚ وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ ۖ وَلَا يَئُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ
Allaahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal Hayyul Qayyuum, laa tahudhuhuu sinatun wa laa nawm, lahuu maafis samaawaati wa maa fiyl ard, man da llaadi yaschfau indahuu illaa bi idnih, yalamu maa bayna aydiihim wa maa chalfahum, wa laa yuhiituna bischayin min ilmihii illaa bimaa schaae, wasia kursiyyuhus samaawaati wal ard wa laa yauuduhuu hifzuhumaa, wa huwal aliyyul Asiim.
Allah, außer ihm kein Gott! - Er der Lebendige, der Beständige,- Ihn fasset weder Schlaf noch Schlummer, - Sein ist was da im Himmel ist und was auf Erden; - Wer leget Fürsprach' ein bei ihm, - Als er erlaub es denn? Er weiss - Was vor ist und was hinter ihnen,- Doch sie umfassen nichts von seinem Wissen, - Als was er will. Sein Richtstuhl füllt - Die Weite Himmels und der Erde, - Und ihn beschwert nicht die Behütung beider,- Er ist der Hohe, Grosse. (Übersetzung Friedrich Rückert 1836-1839)
Es wurde von Ubayy Ibn Ka’b überliefert, dass der Prophet - Friede und Segen seien auf ihm - ihn fragte, welcher Vers im Buche Allahs - Erhaben ist Er - der bedeutendste ist. Er sagte: „Allah und Sein Gesandter wissen es am besten.“ Er wiederholte dies sieben Mal, dann sagte er: „Ayat al-Kursi.“ Der Prophet - Friede und Segen seien auf ihm – sagte: „Ich gratuliere dir zu deinem Wissen, o Abu’ l-Mundhir. Bei dem Einen, in dessen Hand meine Seele ist, er hat eine Zunge und zwei Lippen (d.h. der Thronvers), und er verherrlicht seinen Herrn vor Seinem Thron.“ (Buhhari; Dies wurde auch von Muslim überliefert, aber ohne den Abschnitt „Bei dem Einen, in dessen Hand meine Seele ist.“)
Abd-Allah Ibn Ubayy Ibn Ka’ b überliefert, dass sein Vater ihm erzählte, er wäre im Besitz eines Gefässes, in welches er Datteln aufbewahrte. Er überprüfte die Datteln und sah, dass die Anzahl seiner Datteln sich verringerte. Deswegen bewachte er eines nachts die Datteln und sah ein Biest, das wie ein pubertärer Junge aussah. Der Vater sagte: „Ich grüsste ihn mit dem Salam, und er erwiderte meinen Gruss, dann fragte ich ihn: ‚Was bist du, ein Dschinn oder ein Mensch?’
Er sagte: Ein Dschinn.’ Ich sagte zu ihm: ‚Zeige mir deine Hand.’ Er zeigte mir seine Hand, und sie sah wie eine Hundepfote aus, welche einen Fell vorwies. Ich sagte: ‚Sehen alle Dschinns so aus?’ Er sagte: ‚Ich weiss , dass niemand unter den Dschinn so stark ist wie ich.’ Ich sagte: ‚Was brachte dich dazu, so zu handeln (d.h. die Datteln zu nehmen)?`’ Er sagte: ‚Wir hörten, dass du ein freigebiger Mensch bist, und daher wollten wir von deinem Essen.’ Ubay fragte ihn: ‚Was wird uns vor euch schützen?’ Er sagte: ‚Dieser Vers: Ayat al-Kursi.’ Am nächsten Tag ging Ubay zum Propheten - Friede und Segen seien auf ihm - und erzählte ihm, was geschehen war. Der Prophet - Friede und Segen seien auf ihm – sagte: ‚Der Teufel hat die Wahrheit gesprochen.’“ (Buhhari)
While not all verses in the
carry a specific name, this one was given the name 'Ayat
Al-Kursi' (Kursi: literally a footstool or chair, and sometimes
translated as the Throne.) The Kursi mentioned in this Verse
should be distinguished from the 'Arsh (Throne) mentioned in V
7:52, 10:3, 85:15 and elsewhere.
"The Kursi compared to the 'Arsh is nothing but like a ring thrown out upon open space of the desert."
If the Kursi extends over the entire universe, then how much greater is the 'Arsh. It is narrated from Muhammad bin 'Abdullah and from other religious scholars that the Kursi is in front of the 'Arsh (Throne) and it is at the level of the Feet."
Another opinion preferred by Tabari, Sufyan al-Thawri in their exegesis, in the Mufradat by Raghib and narrated by Bukhari as the opinion of Saeed ibn Jubayr, interprets Kursi as "Allah's Knowledge (Ilm)". Islamic religious belief holds that anyone who recites the verse enters the protection and security of God. Commonly, it is recited by Muslims before they go to sleep. (quelle: wiki)
The title given to Surah al-Baqarah's 255th ayah by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is “Ayat al Kursi” which would mean: “The verse (sign) of (Allah)’s Dominion” Literally Kursi means the “Footstool” but literal meaning cannot apply here therefore metaphorical meaning has to be taken into account as this magnificent verse explains Allah’s Existence, Sovereignty, Power, Knowledge rather the Dominion of Allah azza Wajjal. Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle
ordered me to guard the Zakat revenue of Ramadan. Then somebody came to me and
started stealing of the foodstuff. I caught him and said, "I will take you to
Allah's Apostle!" Then Abu Huraira described the whole narration and said: That
person said (to me), "Please don't take me to Allah's Apostle and I will tell
you a few words by which Allah will benefit you. When you go to your bed, recite
Ayat-al-Kursi, for then there will be a guard from Allah who will
protect you all night long, and Satan will not be able to come near you till
dawn." (When the Prophet
Translation of verse: Allah! There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory). [The Glorious Quran 2:255] The part which says “His Throne (i.e. Kursi) doth extend over the havens and the earth” was underlined above because many translators translate Kursi as throne (Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Pickthal, Arberry and others) whereas others translate it as “Knowledge (Shakir)” and some as Power (Muhammad Asad)” while some left it as Kursi (Imam Ahmed Reza Khan Fadhil Baraili and others). So what Kursi actually means when it is referred to Allah, will be clarified in the lateral part of the article
Fadhail (Virtues) of Ayat al Kursi and it’s benefits
Hadith 1 Ubayy b. Ka'b said: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: O Abu' al-Mundhir, do you know the verse from the Book of Allah which, according to you, is the greatest? I said: Allah and His Apostle (may peace be upon him) know best. He again said: Abu'l-Mundhir, do you know the verse from the Book of Allah which, according to you, is the greatest? I said: Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. Thereupon he struck me on my breast and said: May knowledge be pleasant for you, O Abu'l-Mundhir!
Reference: Book 004, Number 1768: (Sahih Muslim)
It has come in other hadiths
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah 's Apostle ordered me to guard the Zakat revenue of Ramadan. Then somebody came to me and started stealing of the foodstuff. I caught him and said, "I will take you to Allah's Apostle!" Then Abu Huraira described the whole narration and said: That person said (to me), "Please don't take me to Allah's Apostle and I will tell you a few words by which Allah will benefit you. When you go to your bed, recite Ayat-al-Kursi, (2:255) for then there will be a guard from Allah who will protect you all night long, and Satan will not be able to come near you till dawn." (When the Prophet heard the story) he said (to me), "He (who came to you at night) told you the truth although he is a liar; and it was Satan." Reference: Volume 6, Book 61, Number 530: (Sahih Bukhari)
Protection against evil Jinns وأخرج النسائي وأبو يعلى وابن حبان وأبو الشيخ في العظمة والطبراني والحاكم وصححه وأبو نعيم والبيهقي معا في الدلائل عن أبي بن كعب: أنه كان له جرن فيه تمر فكان يتعاهده فوجده ينقص، فحرسه ذات ليلة فإذا هو بدابة شبه الغلام المحتلم، قال: فسلمت فرد السلام فقلت: ما أنت ! جني أم أنسي؟ قال: جني. قلت: ناولني يدك. فناولني فإذا يداه يدا كلب وشعره شعر كلب، فقلت: هكذا خلق الجن قال: لقد علمت الجن أن ما فيهم من هو أشد مني. قلت: ما حملك على ما صنعت قال: بلغني أنك رجل تحب الصدقة فأحببنا أن نصيب من طعامك. فقال له أبي: فما الذي يجيرنا منكم قال: هذه الآية، آية الكرسي التي في سورة البقرة، من قالها حين يمسي أجير منا حتى يصبح، ومن قالها حين يصبح أجير منا حتى يمسي. فلما أصبح أتى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. فأخبره، فقال: صدق الخبيث
Translation: Imam Nasai’i, Abu Ya’la, Ibn Hibban, Abu Shaykh in his Al-Azmah, Tabarani, Hakim who declared it Sahih, Abu Nua’ym and Baihaqi in his Dalail narrate from Ubay ibn Ka’b that he used to have a field of dates and he used to guard it but as time passed by he kept less watch over it. One night he planned to guard it, but he saw an (animal) in shape of a young boy. Ubay Ibn Ka’b offered him greetings and he replied back. Ibn Ka’b asked him whether he was a human or Jinn? He replied: He was Jinn! Ubayy asked him to show his hand, Ubayy saw that his hand was like that of a dog and it had hair on it like dog does. Ubayy asked: Are Jinns created in this fashion? He replied: Some Jinns are even more stranger than me. Ubayy asked: Who compelled you to do this (i.e. steal from my field) he replied: I have heard that you love to give Sadaqa so I thought of taking (stealing) something from you. Ubayy asked: What is it that can protect us from you? The Jinn replied: “Ayat al Kursi” which is in Surah al-Baqarah, whosoever recites it in the evening will be safe from our Sharr till the morning, and whosoever recites it in the morning he will be safe from us till evening. On next morning Ibn Ka’b went to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and told him about this, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: The “Khabeeth told the truth” [Imam Jalal ud-din Suyuti in Tafsir Dur ul Munthur, Volume No.2, Page No. 5]
It benefits us, our children and our houses وأخرج المحاملي في فوائده عن ابن مسعود قال: قال رجل: يا رسول الله علمني شيئا ينفعني الله به. قال «اقرأ آية الكرسي فإنه يحفظك وذريتك ويحفظ دارك، حتى الدويرات حول دارك
Imam al-Mahamli (rah) narrates in his “Fawaid” from Ibn Masud (ra): A man said:
O Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) teach me something through which Allah
will benefit me. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:
Recite Ayat al Kursi, Allah will protect you, your
children, also protect your house rather even the houses which are near to yours
[Imam Jalal ud-din Suyuti in Dur ul
Munthur, (2/6)] Now Insha Allah we will try to explain Ayat al Kursi in light of many important Tafsir Books such as Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Baghawi, Tafsir al Khazin, Tafsir Dur ul Munthur, Tafsir al-Mazhari and others! ٱللَّهُ لاَ إِلَـٰهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ ٱلْحَيُّ ٱلْقَيُّومُ
Translation: Allah! There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal.
Ibn Kathir (rah) explains :
لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ
سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ } Translation: No slumber can seize Him nor sleep.
Explanation by Imam Ibn Kathir (rah)
(No slumber can seize Him nor sleep) means:
Allah could never be negligent, unaware, nor can He err in regards to his
creation. Rather He is completely controlling by being aware of what every soul
earns. His comprehension upon everything is perfect and nothing can be hidden
from His knowledge and there could be no secret kept from him….
[Note: Imam Ibn Kathir also narrated another Israeli report in
which Musa (a.s) was shown to have asked this question from Allah i.e. whether
He sleeps or not, but Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) rejected that report because
Prophets cannot ask about such a basic thing, so he finally showed the above
report as proof that it was actually the Bani Israel who asked such a thing] Dominion, Sultanate and Power of Allah Translation: His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Explanation in light of Imam Ibn Katheer (rah):
Translation: All the servants (including heavens and the worlds) come under His “DOMINION” they also come under his “POWER AND SULTANATE” just like Allah said: Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to (Allah) Most Gracious as a servant. He does take an account of them (all), and hath numbered them (all) exactly. And everyone of them will come to Him singly on the Day of Judgment.[Quran 19:93-95] { مَن ذَا ٱلَّذِى يَشْفَعُ عِندَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ } Translation: Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth?
Explanation in Tafsir al Khazin: { من ذا الذي يشفع عنده إلاّ بإذنه } أي بأمره وهذا استفهام إنكاري والمعنى لا يشفع عنده أحد إلاّ بأمره وإرادته، وذاك لأن المشركين زعموا أن الأصنام تشفع لهم فأخبر أنه لا شفاعة لأحد عنده إلاّ ما استثناه بقوله { إلاّ بإذنه } يريد بذلك شفاعة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وشفاعة بعض الأنبياء والملائكة وشفاعة المؤمنين بعضهم لبعض
Translation of verse: Allah! There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory). [The Glorious Quran 2:255] The part which says “His Throne (i.e. Kursi) doth extend over the havens and the earth” was underlined above because many translators translate Kursi as throne (Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Pickthal, Arberry and others) whereas others translate it as “Knowledge (Shakir)” and some as Power (Muhammad Asad)” while some left it as Kursi (Imam Ahmed Reza Khan Fadhil Baraili and others). So what Kursi actually means when it is referred to Allah, will be clarified in the lateral part of the article
Fadhail (Virtues) of Ayat al Kursi and it’s benefits
Hadith 1 Ubayy b. Ka'b said: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: O Abu' al-Mundhir, do you know the verse from the Book of Allah which, according to you, is the greatest? I said: Allah and His Apostle (may peace be upon him) know best. He again said: Abu'l-Mundhir, do you know the verse from the Book of Allah which, according to you, is the greatest? I said: Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. Thereupon he struck me on my breast and said: May knowledge be pleasant for you, O Abu'l-Mundhir!
Reference: Book 004, Number 1768: (Sahih Muslim)
It has come in other hadiths
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah 's Apostle ordered me to guard the Zakat revenue of Ramadan. Then somebody came to me and started stealing of the foodstuff. I caught him and said, "I will take you to Allah's Apostle!" Then Abu Huraira described the whole narration and said: That person said (to me), "Please don't take me to Allah's Apostle and I will tell you a few words by which Allah will benefit you. When you go to your bed, recite Ayat-al-Kursi, (2:255) for then there will be a guard from Allah who will protect you all night long, and Satan will not be able to come near you till dawn." (When the Prophet heard the story) he said (to me), "He (who came to you at night) told you the truth although he is a liar; and it was Satan." Reference: Volume 6, Book 61, Number 530: (Sahih Bukhari)
Protection against evil Jinns وأخرج النسائي وأبو يعلى وابن حبان وأبو الشيخ في العظمة والطبراني والحاكم وصححه وأبو نعيم والبيهقي معا في الدلائل عن أبي بن كعب: أنه كان له جرن فيه تمر فكان يتعاهده فوجده ينقص، فحرسه ذات ليلة فإذا هو بدابة شبه الغلام المحتلم، قال: فسلمت فرد السلام فقلت: ما أنت ! جني أم أنسي؟ قال: جني. قلت: ناولني يدك. فناولني فإذا يداه يدا كلب وشعره شعر كلب، فقلت: هكذا خلق الجن قال: لقد علمت الجن أن ما فيهم من هو أشد مني. قلت: ما حملك على ما صنعت قال: بلغني أنك رجل تحب الصدقة فأحببنا أن نصيب من طعامك. فقال له أبي: فما الذي يجيرنا منكم قال: هذه الآية، آية الكرسي التي في سورة البقرة، من قالها حين يمسي أجير منا حتى يصبح، ومن قالها حين يصبح أجير منا حتى يمسي. فلما أصبح أتى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. فأخبره، فقال: صدق الخبيث
{ لَّهُ مَا فِي ٱلسَّمَـٰوَاتِ وَمَا فِي ٱلأَرْضِ }
Translation: (Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth?) It refers to an order and the way of this question is in the form of "Istifahm al-Inkari". This means that nobody can intercede in his presence except by his permission and will. The Mushrikeen used to think that their idols would intercede on their behalf, this is why Allah has explained that no intercession will work in his court except which he permits. Whereas (Except which he permits) refers to Intercession of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), intercession of some prophets, angels and intercession of some Momineen which they will do for some others [Tafsir al Khazin, under 2:255] {يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْۖ} Translation: He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Explanation by Imam Ibn Kathir:
مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْۖ} دليل على إحاطة علمه بجميع الكائنات،
ماضيها وحاضرها ومستقبلها، كقوله إخباراً عن الملائكة {وَمَا نَتَنَزَّلُ إِڑ
بِأَمْرِ رَبِّكَۖ لَهُۥ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِينَا وَمَا خَلْفَنَا وَمَا بَيْنَ
ذَٰلِكَۚ وَمَا كَانَ رَبُّكَ نَسِيًّا}
{ وَلاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِّنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَآءَ } Translation: Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. Explanation by Imam al-Khazin: ولا يحيطون بشيء من علمه} يقال: أحاط بالشيء إذا علمه وهو أن يعلم وجوده وجنسه وقدره وحقيقته, فإذا علمه ووقف عليه وجمعه في قلبه فقد أحاط به والمراد بالعلم المعلوم والمعنى أن أحداً لا يحيط بمعلومات الله تعالى: {إلاّ بما شاء} يعني أن يطلعهم عليه وهم من الأنبياء والرسل ليكون ما يطلعهم عليه من علم غيبه دليلاً على نبوتهم كما قال تعالى: {فلا يظهر على غيبه أحداً إلاّ من ارتضى من رسول} Translation: (Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth) refers to “Total comprehension” for example when someone gets knowledge of something’s existence, it's nature, quantity, “(DEEP) REALITY” and he embeds this completely in his heart then it is called “total comprehension” this would mean that none can have “total comprehension” over Allah’s knowledge. (Except whom he permits) refers to those things which Allah wants to reveal to his Prophets and Messengers, so that Allah grants them “FROM HIS KNOWLEDGE OF UNSEEN” which become proofs over their Prophethood. Just like Allah said: He (alone) knows the Unseen, nor does He make any one acquainted with His Mysteries,Except a messenger whom He has chosen… (72:26-27) [Tafsir al Khazin under 2:255]
What does Kursi mean
{وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَاتِ وَٱلأَرْضَ }
This part means: His “Kursi” extends over the heavens and the earth. As this verse mentions the word “Kursi” hence it has to be explained with caution so that it is clear that Allah’s dominion is understood without any comparison to creation. Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) has narrated from Ibn Abbas (ra) that Kursi refers to “KNOWLEDGE” he has also narrated a Mawquf hadith from same Ibn Abbas (ra) that Kursi refers to footstool
[Note: The Salafi published Tafsir Ibn Kathir has done serious forgeries in their version of Tafsir, even over here they completely removed the hadith in which Kursi is called as “KNOWLEDGE” they did this so that people can only consider Kursi as a footstool]
Imam al Baghawi (rah) writes:
It also states in Tafsir al Baghawi
that Hasan Basri (rah) interpreted Kursi as “THRONE” and this is the translation
taken by many translators. { وَلاَ يَؤُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا }
Explanation in Tafsir al Mazhari :
{وَهُوَ ٱلْعَلِىُّ ٱلْعَظِيمُ}
Explanation in light of Imam Ibn Kathir:
(He is the Most High, the Supreme) It is just like Allah said: …the Great, the High Exalted (13:9). Imam Ibn Kathir says: This Ayah and other such ayahs, plus the Sahih hadiths in which Allah’s Sifaat are to be taken as the righteous early Muslims (salaf) have taken them i.e. “LET THEM PASs AS THEY HAVE COME” without saying how they are meant and without making a comparison with (other creations) [Tafsir Ibn Kathir under 2:255]