Ihhsan احسان bedeutet "Perfektion" oder
"excellent" (Arab. husn). It is a matter of taking one's inner faith (iman)
and showing it in both deed and action, a sense of social
responsibility borne from religious convictions. In Islam,
ihsan is the Muslim responsibility to obtain perfection, or
excellence, in worship, such that Muslims try to worship God
(Arabic Allah
) as if they see Him, and although they cannot
see Him (due to the belief that Allah
is not made of
materials), they undoubtedly believe that He is constantly
watching over them. That definition comes from the hadith (known
as the Hadith of Gabriel) in which
Muhhammad states, "[Ihsan is] to worship God as though
you see Him, and if you cannot see Him, then indeed He sees
you." (Al-Bukhari and Al-Muslim).
IIhsan, meaning "to do beautiful things," is one of the
three dimensions of the Islamic religion (Ara. ad-din):
Imaan and Ihsan. In contrast to the emphases
of Islam (what one should do) and Iman (why
one should do), the concept of ihsan is primarily associated
with intention. One who "does what is beautiful" is called a
It is generally held that a person can only achieve true
ihsan with the help and guidance of
Allah , who governs all things. While traditionally
Islamic jurists have concentrated on Islam and theologians
on Iman, the Suufi's have focused their attention on Ihsan. Some Islamic scholars explain ihsan as being the inner
dimension of Islam whereas
Schar'iah is often described as the outer dimension:
From the preceding discussion it should be clear that
not every Muslim is a man or woman of faith (Mu'min),
but every person of faith is a Muslim.
Furthermore, a Muslim who believes in all the principles
of Islam may not necessarily be a righteous person, a
doer of good (Muhsin), but a truly good and righteous person is both a
and a true person of faith. Ihsan "constitutes the highest form of
(worship). It is excellence in work and in social interactions. For
example, ihsan includes sincerity during Muslim prayers and
being grateful to parents, family, and God.